Munich Sessions Summer Fest 2023

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone of you that made Summer Fest such an incredible spectacle this year. Whether it was seeing toddlers dancing to their first experience of live music, the crowd growing as the sunset to epic harmonies, or when the weather got crazy and the party just rolled […]
Why aren’t Munich artists building a fanbase?

I had a conversation recently with a fellow artist manager which took the usual meandering path of mutual bemoanings of the industry, changes to IG, agents wanting to take a cut of a pot that hadn’t much in it, the usual racket over a coffee in an empty venue at the start of play. But things […]
Munich Sessions Launch Night

Get Your Tickets Now Munich Sessions are delighted to announce the launch night for our new venture: The Munich Sessions Agency. Having brought a myriad of emerging talent from across the world to the Munich scene, as well as giving a platform to local artists that have grown from their first appearances at @lostweekendmunich to other shores, […]